Don’t EVER Utter These Statements To Your Girlfriends LEAVE A COMMENT 2014 June 25 0 Responses to “Don’t EVER Utter These Statements To Your Girlfriends” Kathi Elster says: June 26, 2014 at 3:22 pm How about; How is your little business doing? in a whispering voice or Can you afford that? REPLY Geri Brin says: June 27, 2014 at 4:03 am hi kathi, love your additions! geri REPLY Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Name Email (will not be published) Website Comment
0 Responses to “Don’t EVER Utter These Statements To Your Girlfriends”
Kathi Elster says:
How about;
How is your little business doing? in a whispering voice
Can you afford that?
Geri Brin says:
hi kathi,
love your additions!