“My Mom-she loved her family. She was honest, sweet, caring and strong. She loved Daddy. She taught me to be my own person. She really could work all day, come home, clean the house, cook dinner and spend her days off taking us to the library, beach and museums. I miss her so much!” Cathy Justice

“My grandmother Gladys Adams from Benson, NC. She died many years ago but I loved and admired her.” Beth Hall
“My big sister, Linda, love her with all my heart. I would not have made it without her.” Shelley Stellmach

“My Aunt Estelle for her wit, love, kindness, and love of life!” Michelle Truffin Molloy
“To name just one is difficult. I had three very amazing women who gave so much for me and made me the person I am today. My trifecta of strong women. Today, a part of each of them lives on in me. Their strength guides me and has carried me through a life I am proud to have lived. They were my foundation.” Chris King Bent
“Jackie Kennedy was a great lady. She showed great strength and courage when her husband was killed right next to her.” Bonnie Trott

“Madame CJ Walker – first American female self-made millionaire. Plus, she was an African American woman. She used network marketing to make her first million.” Linda Jacob
“Princess Diana.” Belinda Rocha

“Margaret Thatcher, unbelievably strong woman! Super intelligent, I so admired her…” Mary Mosher
“Harriet Tubman and the women in my life…my grandmother, my mom, my sister , my daughter, and my granddaughters. Strong women with loving hearts.” Tula Smith

“Florence Nightingale.” Carol Collins