Get A Firm Handle On Your Sexual Health

When manufacturers make smart products even smarter, that’s SUPER SMART! So for those of you who own a Revel Body SOL Sonic Vibrator,  you’ll be pleased to learn that the company has introduced an ingenious accessory called REACH, an extension holder that’s designed to “increase the comfort, convenience and sensations” of the vibrator.


Why Masturbation Is Good For Your Health

Susan and her husband of 30 years used to have a pretty good sex life, but ever since he developed prostate problems, they only use their bed for sleeping. “I love Jason dearly, but often miss this part of our relationship. It used to make me feel so good.”


“Having a sex life is important, whether you’re married or not,” says Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, director of the Medical Center for Female Sexuality in Purchase, NY. “It’s important for your sense of self, whether you’re having sex with someone else or with yourself.”


Why You MUST Masturbate!

If you want to talk masturbation and vibrators…

…you can’t find a better person to interview than Dr. Bat Sheva Marcus, who wrote her dissertation on women and vibrator use while earning her Doctor of Philosophy in human sexuality from the Institute of Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. She also has a Master’s in public health from the same institution, and is a licensed social worker with a Master’s degree from Columbia University.

A founder of the Medical Center for Female Sexuality, Dr. Marcus has served as its director since it was created in 2000. The center’s compassionate and experienced staff is trained specifically in female sexual health and is committed to helping women solve their sexual health challenges.

Read on to learn why the good doctor thinks
so highly of masturbation
