What 72 Percent Of You Are Doing Wrong In The Shower!

You pop into the shower to begin your morning (or evening) beauty routine.

You grab your body wash or bar of soap, and maybe a loofah or body sponge, and get to work on your arms, legs, back, butt, torso, and vagina! STOP RIGHT THERE. Using body wash or soap on your vagina is definitely a no-no, but it’s never too late to start giving this precious body part the tender loving care it deserves.

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4 Visible Signs That Can Accompany Summer and Fall Allergies

As summer moves into fall, your allergies may make you look as woebegone as you feel!

The backyard garden can be a beautiful, relaxing hangout spot, but for the estimated 40 to 50 million of us in the U.S.1 with hay fever (a.k.a. allergic rhinitis), inhaling pollen from ragweed, grasses, and trees can trigger more than just stuffiness. Allergies also are often accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing and bloodshot eyes, and may even create dark circles under the eyes2—making us look like we just lost a round with Rocky Balboa. Worse, allergies can last for weeks!

Even if you’ve never experienced allergies, they may develop at any age and time of year. Beware of any of the undesirable signs below, if they accompany your sniffles and sneezes. Treating them early will help you feel, and look, a whole lot better.

  • Allergic Shiner: Congestion of the small blood vessels beneath the skin in the delicate eye area can cause swelling and discoloration, which creates dark circles.3 Hence, the term shiner.
  • Adenoid Face: This condition is common in children, but can affect grownups, too. Nasal allergies can trigger swelling of the adenoids (the lymph tissue lining the back of the throat and extending behind the nose), which blocks airflow through the nose, and may make us look tired and droopy.4
  • Excessive Mouth Breathing: If you continually breathe through your mouth, due to extreme nasal congestion, you could develop a high, arched palate, a raised upper lip and an overbite.5
  • Nasal Crease: When you rub your nose upward to relieve nasal congestion and itching, it can produce a line across the bridge of the nose, called a nasal crease.6

Although OCEAN® Nasal Care products do not treat allergies, nasal spray and sinus rinse can help flush nasal allergens and cleanse the sinus area to aid in symptom relief from nasal congestion and help to improve your overall look.

Make sure to see a board-certified allergist to determine the most effective treatment for you.

OCEAN® is a registered trademark of Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc., or its affiliates. © 2014 Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC (SKOCN140021)

1 Allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Retrieved July 28, 2014 from http://www.acaai.org/allergist/allergies/Types/rhinitis/Pages/default.aspx
2 The ugly truth about summer allergies. (2014). Retrieved July 28, 2014 from http://www.acaai.org/allergist/news/New/Pages/TheUglyTruthaboutSummerAllergies.aspx
3 Allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Retrieved July 28, 2014 from http://www.acaai.org/allergist/allergies/Types/rhinitis/Pages/default.aspx
4 The ugly truth about summer allergies. (2014). Retrieved July 28, 2014 from http://www.acaai.org/allergist/news/New/Pages/TheUglyTruthaboutSummerAllergies.aspx
5 Allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Retrieved July 28, 2014 from http://www.acaai.org/allergist/allergies/Types/rhinitis/Pages/default.aspx
6 Allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Retrieved July 28, 2014 from http://www.acaai.org/allergist/allergies/Types/rhinitis/Pages/default.aspx6

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{Poll & Giveaway} Tell Us About Your Skin

Brought to you by DerMend Moisturizing Bruise Formula

Let’s face it—our skin has changed a lot over the years. It’s sagging, it’s dry, and it’s thinning. Fortunately, we have more “help” than ever to keep our skin
looking beautiful.

We want to hear your thoughts on your skin—every person who answers this poll will be entered to win 1 of 2 $50 Amazon.com gift cards! Tell us what’s on your mind.


5 Minutes That Can Save Your Skin


{Tested} Kiss My Itch Goodbye

Itching for relief?

Last month, we asked you what causes your skin to itch. We heard all sorts of answers, from dry weather and skin allergies, to poison ivy and bug bites. Then, we asked 20 FOFs to try Kiss My Itch Goodbye ($9 for 2oz), a potential scratching savior!

The special patented formula is made with grape seed oil, shea butter, and other natural ingredients. It works best when applied right after showering, according to the manufacturer.


{Giveaway} Replenish Your Skin’s Barrier

Bye bye, bruises.

Our skin thins over time, which means our natural barrier against bruises does, too. Even a little bump can result in an unsightly bruise, so it’s important for us to do everything we can to protect ourselves! Fortunately, our friends at DerMend have developed a fabulous formula, rich in ceramides, retinol, and arnica oil, to help restore the skin’s natural barrier and help defend against future bruising.

FOF Jennifer tried the formula and loved it: “I saw definite improvement in my skin the first day I used it. By the third day… I was sold!”

FOF Julie said: “DerMend helped my bruises and my spider veins! My skin also felt so soft after using it.”

Now is your chance to win a tube to protect your skin. Use DerMend ($29.99 for 4.5oz) twice a day on your arms and legs to help replenish damaged skin and help prevent future bruising. 10 FOFs will win!


6 Tips To Protect Yourself This Summer

Most of us will probably dance in the streets once the sun comes out, and stays out, this summer.

Who isn’t ready to shed their heavy coats and cumbersome boots after this brutal winter across much of the country? Before you perform your sun dance, however, heed these six crucial ways to keep your eyes, skin, and hair healthy this summer.


  • Rock a pair of shades. We all want to look cool in sunglasses, but lens size is one of the most important facts to consider when you’re making your selection. Over time, UV exposure can damage the cornea and lens of the eye, so double check your fab new frames to make sure they’re adequately protecting you! Oversized glasses provide the best coverage from the sun. Period! They also should feature UV400 protection and dark lenses to lessen the intensity of the light hitting your eye and reduce potential eye damage.

  • Invest in eye cream. Even in darker-skinned people, exposure to sunlight, especially during the summer months, can cause a higher-than-normal level of skin pigmentation (melanin) under the eyes, where the skin is quite thin. A tan makes us look terrific, but the raccoon look should be limited to raccoons. Apply a thick eye cream with SPF under the eyes, to reinforce and protect the skin. Use it every day.


  • Protect against bruising. Once we shed our bulky winter clothes, we want our newly exposed skin to look its absolute best in our warm weather outfits and swimsuits! However, more outdoor activity brings with it more opportunities to bump, trip, fall—and bruise our thinning skin. A smart way to help strengthen your skin’s natural barrier, and to help protect it against bruising, is to apply DerMend Moisturizing Bruise Formula, twice a day. If you do develop a bruise, use DerMend to help fade its appearance.

  • Say “yes” to sun screen. While sun damage can occur year round, your skin is most prone to damage during the summer months, when UV indexes are high. Make sure that your sunscreen has at least SPF 15, is water resistant, and has broad-spectrum protection. You should apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside, and if you’re sweating or swimming, remember to reapply it frequently!


  • Hats on! Light rays can seriously dry out your hair, but wearing a wide-brimmed hat will help keep it glossy, as well as provide up to 100 percent protection for your scalp from UV damage. Many other clothes are specially made to block the sun’s strong rays. Look for a label that says Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF), which should indicate how much of the sun’s rays are absorbed by the fabric.

  • Treat your locks lovingly. More and more hair products are including UV protection. Keep your hair radiant all year long with a UV-protectant spray or a higher-end salon product.

This post is sponsored by Ferndale Healthcare. Thanks for supporting FabOverFifty!

{Test This} Kiss My Itch Goodbye

Kiss My Itch Goodbye ($8 for 2oz) could be your scratching savior. For those of us affected by itchy skin, we know that it’s more than just a little annoyance.

Over time, excessive scratching can lead to red, cracked skin. Everyday creams often do little to combat the problem, whether it’s caused by the weather, fabric allergies, or a mild skin condition like eczema. Prolonged scratching also can cause infections and even scarring, so we better ditch the itch completely.


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The Layer That Protects You The Most

How thick is your skin? As we age, our skin’s underlying elastin and collagen fibers start to break down, which causes it to lose its firmness and elasticity. While genetics and other factors play a role in this process, our skin invariably becomes thinner. Making matters worse, thin skin is more susceptible to developing unsightly bruises. Sometimes, bruising can occur when you don’t even remember bumping into anything.

Applying DerMend Moisturizing Bruise Formula, twice a day, helps build the skin’s barrier, making it thicker and less susceptible to bruising. Among DerMend’s ingredients are six effective elements that help improve the appearance of existing bruises:

  • Retinol helps to smooth lines and improve the skin’s texture
  • Alpha hydroxy acid exfoliates and helps encourage new skin growth
  • Arnica oil restores suppleness in the skin
  • Ceramides help the skin retain moisture
  • Niacinamide and phytonadione help improve the appearance of skin

We don’t think twice about layering our outfits, to protect us against the elements, so don’t forget the most important layer—DerMend Moisturizing Bruise Formula. It will help protect your skin a lot more than a jacket.

This post is sponsored by Ferndale Healthcare. Thanks for supporting FabOverFifty!

9 Places We Often Slip

Storms wreak havoc on our daily lives, from a polar vortex up North to torrential downpours in the South. Poor travel conditions, emergency supply runs and general chaos can make us rushed, anxious, and even a bit careless. Slipping and sliding on winter ice may be hazards for Northerners, but where else might you slip in your neck of the woods?

1. Walking into the subway or train station

2. Running through muddy trails

3. In the shower

4. Getting off escalators

5. Waxing your dining room floor

6. Shoveling snow in your driveway

7. Raking leaves

8. Dancing in Zumba class

9. After a spill in aisle 6!

While we can’t always prevent these common falls, we can help improve the appearance of the unsightly bruises that may occur from them. DerMend moisturizing bruise formula helps bruises heal faster. By strengthening your skin’s natural barrier, DerMend helps make you less susceptible to bruising—so there’s one less thing on your mind when the next storm hits!

Where do you slip?