Hi! I am 51 and I have noticed since six years ago my hair have lost its volume and it seems less dense. In my younger years I had always thick hair and had quite a lot, but now it has become very thin. Can it be JUST due to the change of hormones as the GP suggested?

0 Answers
gigimarino wrote on :
Anahita, Despite the wisdom of one of my favorite 70s slogans – “Biology is not destiny” – we all are subject to the inequities of age. Raging hormones (in the wrong direction), brain fog, loss of elasticity in both skin and muscle. I think hair loss is the worst. You can’t beat it, but you can give it a helluva fight. Make sure you get extra biotin and iron, sleep 8 hours a night, battle stress with yoga and exercise. Also, consider CoQ10, which helps with cellular function overall. Don’t skip meals and make sure you get enough of the right fatty acids and omegas. Eat eggs and salmon a few times a week.
jujube714 wrote on :
I am 53 and have had a similar experience with my hair. I have not started menopause yet, but I asked my doctor to check my hormone levels and my Thyroid. Everything was fine, but I continued to lose hair by the clumpful! I started taking 5000mcg of Biotin every day and my hair has come back to it’s old, thick, shiny self!. I definitely recommend trying it. Also, rid yourself of all shampoos and conditioners that contain sodium laurel (or laureth) sulfate and try the more natural shampoos. They won’t lather as much, but they also won’t make you bald! Good luck, jujube
sexyoversixty wrote on :
Hi Anahita…..some great answers…I advice my clients to take CLA….it is great for the hair, skin and nails and I have been taking it for almost 15 years and my hair is thicker than it was when I was in my 40’s and I am now 65….also diet good diet helps…
emm wrote on :
Hi, can you tell me what CLA is? Thank you
sexyoversixty wrote on :
CLA is a supplement….taken by mouth…
sexyoversixty wrote on :
CLA is Conjugated Linoleic Acid…
sassyslack wrote on :
Where do buy CLA? Is it a perscription or can you buy it at a pharmacy?
sexyoversixty wrote on :
You can buy CLA at a Health Food Store…it also helps with Weight Loss…I take three per day one with every meal..as suggested on the bottle..When I was in Peri-Menopause and Menopause I took two three times per day…
jesseklein@comcast.net wrote on :
What dose?
nilhas wrote on :
Hello Anahita,
You’re problem may be due to your thyroid hormones. Thyroid disorders happen quite frequently during the peri-menopause and menopause years. Blood tests are the best way to determine thyroid disorders but unfortunately most MD’s do not prescribe a complete thyroid panel and the patient is too often told that all is good. There are, of course, other reasons for hair loss but this is the more probable cause at this time of your life. I don’t suggest thyroid medications as you will not get to the real cause of the disturbance. A complete work up should be done by a qualified Wholistic practitioner to get to the bottom of it.
AmyCohen wrote on :
Hi Anahita,
Yes it can be hormones. There are also over the counter vitamins you can get for skin, hair and nails to help as well. How are you feeling emotionally, are you stressed out? Is there chaos around you? Are you happy? This also has much to do with hair loss as well.
sheri1154 wrote on :
Absolutely! Our hormones are the workhorse of the body and when they are out of balance, they can cause an upset in our entire body. Hair is definitely affected. You may want to discuss with your gynecologist and have your hormone levels checked with a blood test. Do you still get a period? Are they regular?
Another reason could be if you are using chemicals on your hair such as hair color. This often changes the consistency of the hair due to the processing.