
I have been trying to submit my name to be one of the ladies to test the serum. Everytime I click on the place where it says to it comes up to test a hairspray.

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0 Answers

  1. JEAN HUCAL wrote on :

    My link for the Primavera giveaway doesn’t work.
    Says it can’t connect(Internet Explorer).
    I’ve rebooterd and everything. Keeps not connecting!

    • Charley wrote on :

      Hi phleboj,

      We have a direct link to the story from the homepage. It’s the first slide. If that doesn’t work, you can click on the tab that says “Beauty” on our homepage navigation bar and it will take you to the beauty testing blog. The post where you can enter to test the Primavera serum will be the second post from the top.

      Hope this helps! Email me if you have any other questions/concerns at

  2. Charley wrote on :

    Hi my name is Charlotte. I’m the Art Director for FabOverFifty. We accidentally linked that email to the wrong beauty product.

    Here is the correct link.

    I really appreciate you bringing this to our attention and I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Please let me know if there is ever anything else I can do for you.

    Thanks again,

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