Hi – glad you didn’t waste your money. I ordered the 1 month trial and ended up paying $60 for a product that didn’t do anything. I think Sensa is trying to use mindgames to persuade people that they’re getting full faster and therefore they eat less. Didn’t work for me or a couple of friends who I regretfully convinced to try it also.
Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate each and every response. I am sticking to the eating well and exercising more way of losing weight. I am very glad I did not purchase this product, and at least we FOF’s learned more about Sensa from the feedback. The best of luck to all of you, Wendy.
Yes the first month I lost 10 and then I forgot to sprinkle…My Husband has lost 20 in 2 months and only sprinkles on occasion…..I need to start up for real…
I tried it and it lowered my appetite for a day or two, then stopped working. I followed the instructions to the letter, so of course this was disappointing. I am aware that it does work for some people. What works best for me is increasing my activity level. I still overeat, but I will do something like eat a pound of blueberries.
we had someone come into work, and she mentioned she wanted to sell her sensa kit, said it worked great, when she used it, etc. She brought it in, we tasted it, and yikes, it was sooo yucky. Tasted like what you drink for a colonoscopy……….No Wonder people lose weight. NOT a good way to diet.
I tried it — it did not work for me. I was religious about “sprinkling.” I tried it for over a month with no results. I noticed no change in appetite at all.
Unfortunately, not for me. I really was complient, but had no luck. I ended up giving what I had left to my niece to try, and by the looks of her, she had no luck, either. Results may differ for different people, so please don’t go by my poor results. I have been reading about the green coffee extract diet being touted by Dr. Oz and am going to try it. Hope that works out better for me. Take care.
Thank you for your reply. We FOF’s are all learning more and more about Sensa. I did use regular Green Tea some years ago, (replaced it for a morning cup of coffee) for six weeks and lost 6 pounds. Not heard until now about the green coffee extract. Best of luck. Wendy
I started a few days ago and I’m very pleased. I’m surprised at the negative comments as the ingredients are readily available. I’m looking at my shaker and it’s Maltodextrin, Tricalcium Phosphate, Silica, Natural and Artificial Flavors. Hardly anything sinister and far less than you get in tub of margerine. It has been clearly stated that it is the undetectable scent that is effective, not in an assortment of chemicals. I have found it very effective but the user has to take responsibility also and recognize when they feel full and STOP. Mindless indulging in chips or candy even when you aren’t hungry will sabotage the program. I’m making small portions since I get full so quickly, my cravings have diminished substantially, and I can eat a varied and tasty diet but just be aware of feeling full and then stop. Hope this helps.
Actually it does work! I’ve been on it a few weeks and have lost 10 lbs. Surprised even me!! I sprinkle it on my food, I make it through about half the meal and suddenly I can’t take one more bite. It doesn’t change the taste, smell or texture. Apparently it acts with your sense of smell. Which as a nurse, I know that smell plays a huge part in how much you eat.
Ie.-nothing tastes good when you’ve got a cold…
Anyway it works because you eat LESS! Ta dahh!!
Eat less, work out the same, lose weight…yep it works.
Unsolicited comment, but I would love to be in a Sensa commercial! Hint, hint who do I need to talk to. Maybe after I get into that bikini!
I will continue to eat whole foods and add more exercise to my routine. Thank you all for the responses, I knew the Fab FOF’s would have the answers! All of you are
The only evidence that Sensa works comes from studies paid for by Sensa….if something sounds too good to be true it usually is too good to be true. Eating everything you normally eat and losing weight by sprinkling the food with “magic” crystals does not a diet make. And there are some ingredients in those crystals that I, for one, do not want in my system.
I would be leery of any product that promises to help you lose weight by sprinkling a powder containing chemical additives on to your food. The best way to get healthy and lose weight is not by tricking your body into thinking it’s full and satisfied, but to actually satisfy it with real, flavorful, nutritionally dense food. I’ve had great success with my clients by re-introducing them to the pleasures of whole food and giving their unique body what it truly needs. Once your body gets what it’s been craving all along, energetic health and optimal weight follows naturally and easily, so uncovering each person’s unique needs is part of my step-by-step approach.
0 Answers
srasmoo wrote on :
Hi – glad you didn’t waste your money. I ordered the 1 month trial and ended up paying $60 for a product that didn’t do anything. I think Sensa is trying to use mindgames to persuade people that they’re getting full faster and therefore they eat less. Didn’t work for me or a couple of friends who I regretfully convinced to try it also.
Wendy Brown wrote on :
Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate each and every response. I am sticking to the eating well and exercising more way of losing weight. I am very glad I did not purchase this product, and at least we FOF’s learned more about Sensa from the feedback. The best of luck to all of you, Wendy.
chocolategirl wrote on :
kay wolter wrote on :
Yes the first month I lost 10 and then I forgot to sprinkle…My Husband has lost 20 in 2 months and only sprinkles on occasion…..I need to start up for real…
disgusted wrote on :
I tried it for 3months, didn’t see any difference at all so did not continue to month 4..
Victoria Kuhl wrote on :
I tried it and it lowered my appetite for a day or two, then stopped working. I followed the instructions to the letter, so of course this was disappointing. I am aware that it does work for some people. What works best for me is increasing my activity level. I still overeat, but I will do something like eat a pound of blueberries.
Becky Beer wrote on :
Yes, and NO it did not work,even a little bit.
napers wrote on :
we had someone come into work, and she mentioned she wanted to sell her sensa kit, said it worked great, when she used it, etc. She brought it in, we tasted it, and yikes, it was sooo yucky. Tasted like what you drink for a colonoscopy……….No Wonder people lose weight. NOT a good way to diet.
CAnative wrote on :
I tried it — it did not work for me. I was religious about “sprinkling.” I tried it for over a month with no results. I noticed no change in appetite at all.
cdiandrea@gmail.com wrote on :
Unfortunately, not for me. I really was complient, but had no luck. I ended up giving what I had left to my niece to try, and by the looks of her, she had no luck, either. Results may differ for different people, so please don’t go by my poor results. I have been reading about the green coffee extract diet being touted by Dr. Oz and am going to try it. Hope that works out better for me. Take care.
Wendy Brown wrote on :
Thank you for your reply. We FOF’s are all learning more and more about Sensa. I did use regular Green Tea some years ago, (replaced it for a morning cup of coffee) for six weeks and lost 6 pounds. Not heard until now about the green coffee extract. Best of luck. Wendy
bellestarr wrote on :
I started a few days ago and I’m very pleased. I’m surprised at the negative comments as the ingredients are readily available. I’m looking at my shaker and it’s Maltodextrin, Tricalcium Phosphate, Silica, Natural and Artificial Flavors. Hardly anything sinister and far less than you get in tub of margerine. It has been clearly stated that it is the undetectable scent that is effective, not in an assortment of chemicals. I have found it very effective but the user has to take responsibility also and recognize when they feel full and STOP. Mindless indulging in chips or candy even when you aren’t hungry will sabotage the program. I’m making small portions since I get full so quickly, my cravings have diminished substantially, and I can eat a varied and tasty diet but just be aware of feeling full and then stop. Hope this helps.
Wendy Brown wrote on :
Thank you for your reply, I appreciate all of the great responses that I received so far. Continued success to you. Wendy
Simplysmyls wrote on :
Actually it does work! I’ve been on it a few weeks and have lost 10 lbs. Surprised even me!! I sprinkle it on my food, I make it through about half the meal and suddenly I can’t take one more bite. It doesn’t change the taste, smell or texture. Apparently it acts with your sense of smell. Which as a nurse, I know that smell plays a huge part in how much you eat.
Ie.-nothing tastes good when you’ve got a cold…
Anyway it works because you eat LESS! Ta dahh!!
Eat less, work out the same, lose weight…yep it works.
Unsolicited comment, but I would love to be in a Sensa commercial! Hint, hint who do I need to talk to. Maybe after I get into that bikini!
Wendy Brown wrote on :
Thank you for your response. I decided against using Sensa from what I learned above. The company needs to disclose what exactly is in their product.
Wendy Brown wrote on :
I will continue to eat whole foods and add more exercise to my routine. Thank you all for the responses, I knew the Fab FOF’s would have the answers! All of you are
Shirley Farley wrote on :
The only evidence that Sensa works comes from studies paid for by Sensa….if something sounds too good to be true it usually is too good to be true. Eating everything you normally eat and losing weight by sprinkling the food with “magic” crystals does not a diet make. And there are some ingredients in those crystals that I, for one, do not want in my system.
Nancy Ortiz wrote on :
I wrote a piece on my blog: http://thefrugaldietitian.com/?p=30518
Debra Meadow, NTP wrote on :
I would be leery of any product that promises to help you lose weight by sprinkling a powder containing chemical additives on to your food. The best way to get healthy and lose weight is not by tricking your body into thinking it’s full and satisfied, but to actually satisfy it with real, flavorful, nutritionally dense food. I’ve had great success with my clients by re-introducing them to the pleasures of whole food and giving their unique body what it truly needs. Once your body gets what it’s been craving all along, energetic health and optimal weight follows naturally and easily, so uncovering each person’s unique needs is part of my step-by-step approach.