Hi FOFs! We’re interviewing Janell Beals, Founding Editor of House Of Fifty, an online magazine with great ideas for inspired living. What home decorating questions do you have for her?

Hi FOFs! We’re interviewing Janell Beals, Founding Editor of House Of Fifty, an online magazine with great ideas for inspired living. What home decorating questions do you have for her?
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Patricia Assanowicz wrote on :
my home was built in 1930, some may call it my beach home i live around 1,000 ft to the river and the view then it takes you to the beautiful alantic ocean, my question is, i try to keep a beach theme going, i do not want to overdo, when you walk into my home there is a room that attaches to my living room, how can i make it look open without tearing walls out and keep a beautiful beach theme going, right now my walls are painted in a light tan, looking like sand, should i repaint or add to the walls with this and that??? i have been struggling with this for 4 years…help, thank you
cyan721 wrote on :
Love her magazine! How do you get featured or advertise in your magazine?
I have been in the design business for a very long time. We have an online shop http://www.twentyone7.com. We offer high end design fabrics and more so that our customers can decorate the way designers do for less.
Thank you for your time,
Louise Fadness wrote on :
I live in a townhouse. The second floor has a 25 foot long hallway that accesses 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, plus 2 linen closets – a total of 5 doors! I would like to do something different with the linen closets, perhaps merging them into one (they are side by side). Any suggestions? Thank you!