I’m fifty-five, and about to embark on a journey working as an Americorps missionary at a rescue mission in the U.S. Excited and a little terrified. Must travel to assigned destination, by car, alone. Are there communities where I can get advise and support from other women like me?
0 Answers
Michelle Burkart wrote on :
Hi Tayah
Congratulations on your new journey. Just to add another source that most people do not know about when traveling is an international organization called Travelers Aid ( http://www.travelersaid.org) which assists women in critical need of assistance in traveling, and also visitors to a city with general information and services. They are located in most cities across the country and internationally as well. So have a great trip and thank you for volunteering your time and energy. Pay it forward!
Tayah wrote on :
Wow! I should have thought of that. That’s a great service. I remember it in my younger days! Thanks Michelle!:)
Chatty Cathy wrote on :
Hi Tayah –An excellent website for women who travel is http://www.womentraveltips.com
With 50% of all business travel being done by women it is time we have a website dedicated to our safety. Remember to use your senses when traveling –get directions ahead of time; know your destination; map out hotels on your route; and only stop at safe-looking gas stations and cafe. When at your hotel don’t be affraid to ask the desk clerk or security to walk you to your room. Good luck Tayah on your journey -be safe. Cathy
Tayah wrote on :
Thanks Cathy!
I’ll be checking out that website in a few minutes!:)
Chatty Cathy wrote on :
Enjoy —I was thinking of suggesting some blogs, but thought that some horror stories may be posted and that would concern you even more. Be safe –Be smart and all will go well. Keep up posted. Cathy
Sheryl Kayne wrote on :
Celebrate your great adventure and making this wonderful opportunity happen for yourself! Let go of the scary words of the past and educate yourself and plan your future. My book, IMMERSION TRAVEL USA: THE BEST & MOST MEANINGFUL VOLUNTEERING, LIVING & LEARNING EXCURSIONS provides detailed information on how to prepare and handle an adventure such as yours. Thereâs even a script on how to tell your family and friends about what youâll be doing and how to answer their sometimes very pointed questions!
I love traveling on my own because I get to stop and see the sights that interest me, choose what I want to do when, and stop when I’m tired and/or hungry. Plan your trip out ahead of time, using MapQuest, Google Maps, or Triple A. Research some of the towns and sights to see what interests you. By working with your mileage distance, time and budget, you can plan in your daily goals of how far you need to drive. I’ve driven cross country, across Canada, and from Connecticut to Alaska solo — it’s empowering, enlightening, and enriching. Take plenty of books or music CDs or MP3 files with you. Depending upon your route, you can rent audio books across the country from Cracker Barrel to Cracker Barrel restaurant across the USA, borrow a book on DVD for under $4 and return it to any Cracker Barrel within one weekâs time. I tape a Cracker Barrel map to the dashboard to know where all of their restaurants are along my route. http://www.crackerbarrel.com/travel/books-on-audio/
Be sure to take a journal with you and a guest book. Use the journal to keep track of your own growth and challenges. Use the guest book to have the people you meet sign it for you and record their contact information. Having a record of the people you interact with on your adventure will be one of your most cherished possessions. People often write things they might be uncomfortable saying. Create your own support group by blogging your experiences on your own website or Facebook page or by posting questions right here as you need or want input. Contact the organization you are working with and ask for the names and contact information on people you will be meeting. Begin conversations with them now to help prepare yourself on what to expect. It took guts and an adventurous spirit to create this experience so go for it with your full heart, soul, body and mind. Leave the past behind.
Tayah wrote on :
Thanks for the wonderful tips! Just this morning I created a blogging website called, “faithunderfire.cc.” I plan on journal my experiences to keep connected with friends and grow a bit on this new journey. The crackerbarrel idea is awesome!
Tayah wrote on :
A part of me wishes I had a dog so that it would keep me company, not to mention be barker when needed. I’ve decided that at my age I should splurge and stay in hotels above the caliber of Motel 6 and such. Nothing personal against them, but I just feel a single woman my age, needs to be someplace with a little more positive people/family traffic.