I used to be a size 2/4 petite all of my life. Once I entered menopause I grew to a lovely size 14 with huge breasts (42D) and I am only 4’11”. What can I do to reverse the weight gain, I have been dieting for eight years.

I used to be a size 2/4 petite all of my life. Once I entered menopause I grew to a lovely size 14 with huge breasts (42D) and I am only 4’11”. What can I do to reverse the weight gain, I have been dieting for eight years.
0 Answers
nidradeb wrote on :
As a nutritional counselor, I know there is no one diet to fit everyone. So much depends on your body type, blood type, ancestry, level of exercise, amount of stress in your life, and what’s going on with your hormones. Beware of calorie restrictive diets as someone else just mentioned as they can actually add stored fat. What’s right for you might not be right for everyone. I can do a complementary health history if you like? You can check out my blog at http://www.liveawholelife.net. Check out my post “The Truth About Food.” I wish there were a magic recipe that worked for everyone!
Merrill Dellas wrote on :
green coffee bean!!!!!! I have been at a 130 plateau for over 3 years! Took 800mg of green coffee bean capsules prior to a meal (3 times daily) and lost 5 pounds in 5 days!!!!!! Nothing even kick boxing and hiking, regular swimming was able to knock of 5 pounds. I am maintaining a size 4/6 and have received many compliments on the 5 pound weight loss. try it!!!!!! Good luck to you!!!!!
lilydawgette wrote on :
Lift weights! Once I began building muscle, my weight loss went from 5 lbs every few months with diet and exercise to 10 lbs a month with more food intake. I started at the gym attending water aerobics classes 3 times a week. I felt so much better that I started using the cybex machines. Now, I still do all that but incorporated a body sculpting class once a week. It’s an hour of weight lifting. I have lost 40 lbs in 8 months. I look forward to exercising, which is a miracle for me.
Mrsfitz wrote on :
It sounds like you may not be eating enough….you also didn’t mention how much water you are drinking but with all that fiber you want to make sure you are well hydrated. Perhaps a consultation with a nutritionist is in order. Also, have you had a complete physical lately? It’s possible you have thyroid issues or something like that.
jane56 wrote on :
I feel your pain, I have also been on one diet or another for about , well, 42 years! Menopause is a real killer, isn’t it? However, I have found that for my metabolism, the low carb lifestyle works very well. Take a look at the Dukan diet program, I lost 6 lbs in 2 weeks, eating well and feeling better. I am 56 years old and back in a size 8.
AnnettePiper wrote on :
The book “Eat to Live” by Dr. Joel Fuhrman would be worth a read. I’ve played around with various diet regimes over the last 6 years or so and the result was I was heavier than ever and a generous E cup bra size! I read the Eat to Live book, applied the principles and three months later had lost 26lbs and gone down to a C cup! Its a big food change, but there’s lots of it and I’m definitely much healthier 🙂 You can get the book for under $10, well worth it don’t you think!?
avonlady wrote on :
I’ve tried lots of diets and the only ones that worked for me were the atkins and Weight Watchers. I just became a lifetime member of weight watchers. It worked the best for me. I can’t say enough good things about their plan. It’s an investment in healthy living for sure.
avonlady wrote on :
Join weight watchers! It works!
Carolyn Wispe Burns wrote on :
My doctor stresses exercising as the key solution for all of my post menopausal issues. I just know that when I do I feel better. I think an exercise program that combines cardio and strength training is most important. Also as a Weight Watcher I know many women (myself included) who have gained weight by eating too little – crazy I know. Good Luck
Sharon Bennetti wrote on :
Thanks so much. I think I will re-look at my intake. I have dieted for so long, and excercise is important. Thanks again.
rosie battista wrote on :
It’s difficult to answer your question specifically not knowing what your diet consists of? As Frugaldietitian said, “are you eating healthy?”. The issue is you may think you are and you may actually be sabotaging results by what you are eating. Check out http://www.cookingnakedafter40.com for some whole foods recipes that can get you started on a healthier path. You have to implement all the right things, food, movement to get healthy.
Sharon Bennetti wrote on :
Thanks for your help. I do eat very concientiously. Proteins (2 hard boiled eggs-breakfast), vegtables (salad w/o dressing for lunch 5 days a week) and dinner is usally 4-6 oz lean meat with plenty of roasted veggies, fresh veggies and salad. I do love veggies and I love salads. I rarely drink anything any more. I used to love, love, love red wine and we had it everyday. My mother, grandmother on each side were large, short women and my sister and I are identical, under 5′ and wow grew with menopause. But I will most certainly check out cookingnakedafter40.com, thanks for your suggestions.
Nancy Ortiz wrote on :
You may actually be consuming too few calories (I know sounds strange) but very low calorie diets can decrease the calories we need at rest (ex. digesting food, breathing, etc.). See a Registered Dietitian for guidance. http://www.thefrugaldietitian.com
Nancy Ortiz wrote on :
Sometimes we gain weight by “dieting” if it is one of those fad or scam type diets. I would start by asking yourself if you eat healthy. Check out the various Mediterranean diet books or even Volumetrics – even check out the library. Another great eating plan is the DASH diet – free to download:
http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/hbp/dash/new_dash.pdf. Past menopause women start to gain weight but mainly because of decreased activity and keeping the same calorie intake as when we were young or more active. Then we gain weight, develop chronic conditions because of it and decrease our activity even more – vicious cycle.
Sharon Bennetti wrote on :
Thanks I will check the DASH diet out. I should look like a rabbit, 2 hardboiled eggs-breakfast, salad w/o dressing-lunch and dinner is usually meat and roasted veggies and another salad. I think I have reduced my calories so much that when I do eat a simple bite of something I go over my calories. I used to love wine, and now drink any alcohol sparingly due to calories and my growth. I live in Western PA and do walk all summer, use steps at work, but do not have a regular excercise program going. Thanks for your suggestions, I am very open to any suggestions. PS: Love the mediterranean diet.