I keep reading about floorid (moderator edit: we think the author meant “fluoride”) in water. I am tired, depressed and way overweight Can this be a factor? kayMI

I keep reading about floorid (moderator edit: we think the author meant “fluoride”) in water. I am tired, depressed and way overweight Can this be a factor? kayMI
0 Answers
n s wrote on :
I grew up drinking fluorinated water. All it did was make my teeth look great 🙂
It sounds like you may have something else going on health-wise. Check in with your doctor. good luck!
Hellohealth wrote on :
Your symptoms are typical of 3 of the most common symptoms of low thyroid function. They include:
Weight gain despite adhering to a low-calorie diet
Elevated cholesterol
Yellow bumps on the eyelids
Recurrent infections
Hypersensitivity to cold weather
Poor circulation and numbness in your extremeties
Needing more sleep to get through the day
Digestive problems
Dry skin
Thinning hair
Loss of outer third of the eyebrows
Muscle cramps
The thyroid can be affected by poor diet, flouride in the water, excessive consumption of unsaturated fats, endurance exercise, pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables, radiation from x-rays, alcohol and drugs.
However, a condition called Hashimoto’s disease is believed to be the most common cause of underactive thyroid, which is an autoimmune issue.