I am working with a Boxer Rescue which has many wonderful full bred dogs looking for homes. Please contact me if you have an questions or interest in a Boxer: http://adoptaboxerrescue.com/
I am working with a Boxer Rescue which has many wonderful full bred dogs looking for homes. Please contact me if you have an questions or interest in a Boxer: http://adoptaboxerrescue.com/
0 Answers
sindrirune wrote on :
I just suggested a boxer to another member who is looking for a dog that would be good with her Grandchildren and her cats. I had boxers when my Daughter was young and they are so patient, loyal and loving. Even more than most humans. The member posted her question so maybe you could give her your contact info? Hope it works out.
Catherine Del Spina wrote on :
Good Morning,
She can contact me at: cds@delspina.com or call my office at: 914-276-4867