
Do you have any recommendations as to the best way to find a job when a person quite a bit over fifity? Although very experienced as a research librarian.

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0 Answers

  1. 3thingsuneed wrote on :

    Have you tried the Temporary Agencies?? you might have to try a couple before you find the right place that can send you to jobs regularly. You get to try different things and you can stay a temp at one place or a different job a week.. Maybe be hired full time.. it worked for my 51yo husband after about 6 months to get hired on full time(plus you get paid a lot more after they hire you).. Good Luck

  2. Karen Canning-Millar wrote on :

    Lots of fields require proficient researchers. Try law firms, political parties, universities, non-profits, online organizations, medical facilities, etc.

    • lmasarof wrote on :

      I will try some of your suggestions… Law and universities require special skills and medical is also a speciality. My problem is that I was a manager and it seems to preclude me from getting an interview.

    • Karen Canning-Millar wrote on :

      I recommend you tailor your resume to first secure the interview. Once you have accomplished that and learn what they are looking for, you can tell them how you can help them achieve it. Rule #1: Get face to face.

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