I have four hernia repairs and my stomach is rather large. How can I get help to get a tummy tuck? My belly hangs down on my pubic area and it gets chapped and it burns really bad. Will insurance pay for it if it’s medically needed?

0 Answers

  1. DrRobertaGartside wrote on :

    The best place to start is with her insurance carrier. A easy way to check and see if you may qualify is to go to their website and search the word “abdominoplasty” or “panniculectomy” Many insurers will list their criteria on line. Second is to gather as much information as you can about the prior hernia repairs and schedule a consultation to discuss. Hernia repairs are generally covered and issue with insurers is if coverage is available for any type of skin and fat reduction.

    You are welcome to schedule as appointment with me in either McLean or Reston, Virginia.

    Dr. Roberta Garside

  2. DrRondiWalker wrote on :

    Thank you for your question. The description you have given sounds as if there is a good possibility that this may be covered by your insurance company. It is best to telephone them and inquire if they cover abdominoplasty for medical necessity. Also ask them what documentation they need ex. photographs, primary physician referral,etc. Then schedule an appointment with a board certified Plastic Surgeon for a consultation.

    I would be delighted to see you in my office in Washington, D.C.

    Dr. Rondi Walker

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