I am trying to determine how much it would cost for me to get my body to a point where I can maintain it. My all-in goal is to drop 30 lbs, primarily focused on core. I have been able to reduce the size of my thighs and arms. But my core will not release the fat. I am currently 5’10 and 206 lbs. How much on average could be reduced from a one time reduction on the love handles?
0 Answers
Dr. Julio Garcia wrote on :
When doing liposuction, there is bulk removed but not much weight. The abdominal fat can be a challenge to lose but liposuction should not be used for weight loss. It is not that you cannot have liposuction, you certainly can. It is just that your weight may not change by much. Your shape should see some reduction though in that area.
Dr. John Silverton wrote on :
Liposuction of the iliac crests will be the most productive. The amount removed will entirely depend on the amount that you have there. Non invasive alternatives do exist, but the effect is rather minimal, rather variable, and they are very slow. Ther Verju laser is FDA approved and can treat the whole body and is pain free and risk free with no downtime at all. I suggest you get a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.
DrKathleenWaldorf wrote on :
There are numerous options to address “love handles” and excess fatty tissues ranging from CoolScultping to liposuction contouring to abdominoplasty. Pricing can range from $1200-$8k depending on the route that’s right for you. The best place to start is by scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your body and the most appropriate way to contour.
Kathleen Waldorf MD, FACS
DrKathleenWaldorf wrote on :
There are numerous options to address “love handles” and excess fatty tissues ranging from CoolScultping to liposuction contouring to abdominoplasty. Pricing can range from $1200-$8k depending on the route that’s right for you. The best place to start is by scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your body and the most appropriate way to contour.
Kathleen Waldorf MD, FACS
DrKathleenWaldorf wrote on :
There are numerous options to address “love handles” and excess fatty tissues ranging from CoolScultping to liposuction contouring to abdominoplasty. Pricing can range from $1200-$8k depending on the route that’s right for you. The best place to start is by scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your body and the most appropriate way to contour.
My cosmetic consults are $50 and payment is when you check in for your appointment. At your visit, I will review procedure, pre- and post- instructions and financial data. I am a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) – both prestigious organizations.
I hope this was helpful and we look forward to seeing you feel free to call our office to schedule an appointment at 503.646.0101.
Kathleen Waldorf, MD, FACS
DrKathleenWaldorf wrote on :
There are numerous options to address “love handles” and excess fatty tissues ranging from CoolScultping to liposuction contouring to abdominoplasty. Pricing can range from $1200-$8k depending on the route that’s right for you. The best place to start is by scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your body and the most appropriate way to contour.
My cosmetic consults are $50 and payment is when you check in for your appointment. At your visit, I will review procedure, pre- and post- instructions and financial data. I am a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) – both prestigious organizations.
Besides accepting cash, checks, and credit cards we also offer Care Credit financing. They have some fantastic no interest loans – you can apply at http://www.carecredit.com. Please give us a call at 503.646.0101 when you are ready to proceed, and one of our patient services specialists would be happy to assist you. Let me know if you have further questions or concerns. I hope this was helpful and we look forward to seeing you.
Kathleen Waldorf, MD, FACS
Dr. Curtis Wong wrote on :
A one time reduction of your ‘love handles’ will remove anywhere from 250-750 cc’s of fat, depending on where you start from. As for costs, it really depends on what must be done. Invest in a consultation and get evaluated to see if this is something that could be done before reaching your goal or until you reach your goal.