I’m only 19 but I’m considering lipo on my thighs only because they rub against each other so much they hurt and burn. would lipo for my age be a bad thing?
I don’t smoke but try exercise a few days a week. I feel like lipo would help me in that area and suggestions?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Rod Rohrich wrote on :

    Inner Thigh Liposuction- Liposuction surgery can be done at a young age, however, it would be optimal to maximize a diet and exercise program first.

  2. DrKathleenWaldorf wrote on :

    I understand you are interested in liposuction surgery. Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure in which excess fatty tissue is removed from a specific area of the body, such as the thighs or abdomen, by means of suction. The estimated cost for one area of liposuction is approximately $5,200. These fees are all inclusive – surgeon fees, garments, facility fee, anesthesia fee and all pre- and post- visits. I would encourage you to go the The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and locate a board certified plastic surgeon in your area. There may be other procedures that are less invasive that you may be a candidate for. The best place to start is by scheduling a consult with a surgeon to determine what is right for you. If you are ever in Oregon I’d be happy to see you!
    Kathleen Waldorf MD, FACS

  3. Dr. Richard Chaffoo wrote on :

    Hi and thanks for your question. My recommendation would be to see a surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery who can give you the best medical advice. Please feel free to visit our website for more information regarding liposuction. Best of luck!

    Richard Chaffoo, MD, FACS
    Triple Board Certified Plastic Sugeon

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