shanda SAID:

I’m a 42 year old 240 lb African American women that has Crohn’s disease. I had a resection of the small intestines in 2013. I don’t mind the weight however I want a shape. My stomach is large almost out as far as my breast. I do smoke. I’m looking to have lipo only on the stomach area and to rid my back fat. Don’t want much. Just want my clothes to fit right and feel confident. I also don’t want a tummy tuck; don’t want to be cut.

0 Answers

  1. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    You present a number of issues that have to be taken into account. Smoking is terrible when it comes to recovery and it increases the problems after surgery. Also your weight is high. You would need to be seen in person and before any form of surgery you would need medical clearance. It would be very important to discuss your expectations after seeing you because depending on where your fat is will depend on the type of result you could obtain. You might not be able to be as flat as you want due to your other issues.

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