I am 33 yo and 5’2″ my prepregnancies weight was 115 lbs. I am done having kids and my current weight is 138 lbs. I have struggled a lot losing the weight because I have been dealing with diabetes and now hypothyroidism. I dont fit in my clothes and therefore I am depressed… Having issues with my husband because my autoesteem is now almost none existant. I used to love pics and now I hate them, even if they are of only my face, because it looks sooo round.
My question is: If I get a tummy tuck and a lipo to slim down my mid-section, which is where I need most of the help, would my face look proportionate to my body? Or would I now look fat in my face with a mice body?
0 Answers
Dr. Sam Sukkar wrote on :
Great question!
It sounds as if you could potentially be a great candidate for a tummy tuck with liposuction to create the best contour. Addressing your mid-section will not have any change in your face. If you feel ask if your face looks fuller than you would like you may need to consider Submental Liposuction to create a more defined chin/jawline area. You do want to ensure you are taking your Diabetes and Thyroid medication on a regular basis and you are healthy prior to going into a procedure.
Visit with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to address your specific needs.
All the best!
Sam M. Sukkar, MD, FACS
Dr. O'Neil Engeron wrote on :
It depends on a few things. The surgery you proposed will not change your interpretation of your face If you have a significant amount of intra-abdominal fat, it should not make much difference. If you don’t, take the thyroid meds, and get a satisfactory result, your self-esteem increases, and you lose weight, it should.The surgery is something you desire, for yourself.. Either way, it may not make a difference with any issues you are having have with your husband.