I take excellent care of my skin and at 63 I have no wrinkles around my eyes at all. I have a NuFace and use it. My neck is in very good condition considering my age. Good genes as my grandmother died at 98 without a wrinkle. Question, I had a thyroid condition that caused me to gain over 40 lbs. When I was finally put on correct med, I lost the weight and also the volume under my cheeks and my lips have thinned out. I have spoken with a doctor and he suggests Voluma under cheeks to fill out and a filler for my lips. Says the Voluma will last about two years, lips 6-9 months. Will cost around $1900. I feel it is a fair price. What do you think and is that what I need?
0 Answers
DrFrankAgullo wrote on :
It is difficult to recommend a plan without photos or a full consultation. The price for the recommended treatment seems reasonable. Ultherapy is often a good compliment to your suggested treatment.
Dr. Robert Wilcox wrote on :
Dear Friend, It is now possible to advise you without examing you or seeing pictures. Our practice is in Plano and we offer complimentary skin care consultations. There are other options as well such as Bellafil or other products.
I hope this has been helpful.
Robert D. Wilcox, MD