I’m 24 years old, and have 2 children. I have a lot of extra fat in my midsection and my back. I wanted to invest in the Brazilian Butt Lift. However, I do have a hernia right above my belly button and am not sure if this will effect my chances at surgery.
0 Answers
Dr. Jeffrey Schreiber wrote on :
Hi Martina,
Thank you for your question! The hernia can be corrected at the same time as the surgery and this might help lower the anesthesia and facility costs if your insurance company will cover the hernia repair. Please give us a call at (410) 902-9800 to come in for a complimentary consult so that we can discuss your situation in person. Have a great week! Dr. Schreiber, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Csaba Magassy wrote on :
More than likely, after having 2 children, you’re a candidate for a Tummy Tuck. During the tummy tuck procedure, we can certainly address and fix the umbilical hernia. We can also perform some Liposuction to the abdomen & back in order to get the fat needed to transfer to the buttocks for the desired Brazilian Butt Lift.