I’m seeing that a lot of people seem to regret having rhinoplasties. Is this true in your experience?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Malcolm Roth wrote on :

    In my experience, most are happy with their results, but minor revisions are not unusual, even in the most experienced hands.

  2. Dr. Neal Goldberg wrote on :

    I entirely disagree. the satisfaction rate that i experience with rhinoplasty is very high. I think that you have to have a surgeon that you trust, and trust that he or she understands your goals. It is very important to be clear about what you want and what you don’t want before your operation so that the right plan can be executed.

  3. Dr. Farhad Rafizadeh wrote on :

    I must say that a great majority of my patients are very happy with their results as they always see the improvement in the appearance of their nose. Rhinoplasty is one of the most challenging operations in plastic surgery. It demands the most artistic sense, knowledge and experience from the surgeon. The surgeon has to chose the right patient and do the right operation. Conservatism is a must as each maneuver has it’s long term consequence. The results can be unpredictable because the scaring and changes in tissues over time can cause undesirable consequences. If the patient is a good candidate and the operation is done according to these high standards, the results can be very good.

  4. Dr. Curtis Wong wrote on :

    When a rhinoplasty turns out as anticipated, the patients are very happy. What you see are those who did not obtain their desired outcome. Rhinoplasty is a challenging procedure as perfection is expected. So choose your surgeon wisely and know what the revision policy is. I personally no longer do rhinoplasties as I could not bat a 1000.

  5. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    No, people who have their noses done by recognized specialists usually do well and are delighted with the result.

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