idas220 SAID:

I’m looking for a plastic surgeon for a boy contouring especially inner thighs and upper arms. I live right outside of Washington dc

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Janet Woodyard wrote on :

    Dear Anonymous, Body contouring of the arms and thighs can be accomplished by lifts and/or liposuction depending on the relative amounts of excess fat and loose skin. There are many qualified board-certified plastic surgeons in the Baltimore Washington region and you should consider a couple of in office consultations to discuss your specific case. I see patients mondays, wednesdays and fridays and invite you to call to schedule a visit.

  2. Dr. Kelly Sullivan wrote on :

    Dear Anonymous:I meet with patients on Tuesday & Thursday’s and would be happy to discuss your options for body contouring! Every patient has very individual needs and it is best to discuss them in person. My office is in Annapolis, I look forward to chatting with you soon about your goals!

  3. Dr. Roberta Gartside wrote on :

    Dear Anonymous: These areas generally respond very well the liposuction. There are several different forms of liposuction from Tumescent to Laser to Vaser (Ultrasonic). The type used and the amount to be removed is determined by your skin tone and location. The procedure is done as an outpatient with a fairly quick recovery. There still has to be time for your body to heal, swelling to go down and the final to contour appear. All of these question would be answered at the time of a consultation. The Fall and Winter are good times to consider these procedures to allow for a full recovery before the spring and warmer weather starts. Please feel free to contact the office to make an appointment or to get more information about myself and liposuction. The web site is We look forward to hearing from you.

  4. Dr. Csaba Magassy wrote on :

    Dear Anonymous: We have a new laser that not only dissolves the fat but also tightens the skin at the same time.It is a minimally invasive laser with very little down time. This will probably be your best bet for a body contouring procedure..When you come in for a consultation we can discuss the variables such as the amount of fat and skin relationships, and the improvement that you desire.Please access my web site for information and directions to the office for a consultation, Best regards and hope to see you in near furture.

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