The Lifestyle Lift is essentially a facelift done under local anesthetic and oral sedation. It might be effective for some patients, but its certainly not the right facelift for everybody.
Lifestyle Lift is a company that sells facelifts performed by their participating surgeons. It is not a new or innovative procedure. In fact, it is not a specific procedure at all.. It is simply whatever type of facelift that particular surgeon wishes to perform as long as they can perform it under local anesthesia. Their advertisements are very misleading.
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Scott Sattler wrote on :
The Lifestyle Lift is essentially a facelift done under local anesthetic and oral sedation. It might be effective for some patients, but its certainly not the right facelift for everybody.
Dr. Janet Woodyard wrote on :
Lifestyle Lift is a company that sells facelifts performed by their participating surgeons. It is not a new or innovative procedure. In fact, it is not a specific procedure at all.. It is simply whatever type of facelift that particular surgeon wishes to perform as long as they can perform it under local anesthesia. Their advertisements are very misleading.