intenseot SAID:

I have an issue in my life as I heal with hyper trophic scarring and am now 56, so I have “The Neck Issues”
so..I can’t do a neck lift, right?

0 Answers

  1. Dr. Elizabeth Almeyda wrote on :

    Scarring to correct this will be in front and behind the ears.

  2. Dr. Elizabeth Morgan wrote on :

    Thank you for your question about a neck lift and the risk of hypertrophic scarring. This should not be a problem. Neck lift incisions go around the ear. There is usually a small incision under the chin. Healing in these areas is usually excellent. Scar hypertrophy (thickening) can usually be avoided by handling the skin gently and, if thick scars still form, with taping, massage and injections. Chances are you will have an excellent result. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

  3. Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :

    You should be able to do a neck lift. WE have ways of dealing with scarring.

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