Hello I’m a 32 year old female. I would like to know what procedure(s) is recommended for eyes like mine. My under eyes appear to either be puffy or just have extra skin that wrinkles when I smile and I HATE it. Makeup cannot cover it up. If anything makeup makes it look worse. I am attaching a picture of my eyes resting and one smiling.
0 Answers
Dr. Rod Rohrich wrote on :
Lower eyelid surgery is blending of the eyes and cheek junction. It requires the understanding of the science of aging. One must not only do eye rejuvenation, but also blend the eyelids and cheek simultaneously. This will give you a more natural youthful look without significant removal of fat or skin, allowing for natural looking eyes. This should be done in the hands of a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with expertise in Oculoplastic surgery.
Dr. Lyle Back wrote on :
The “puffiness” is due to small bulging pockets of fat that can be removed. These are also known as “bags” under the eyes. A popular procedure called a “lower eyelid blepharoplasty” addresses this well. The lines you demonstrated are “dynamic” lines meaning they only appear when the muscles around/in your lower eyelid are activated. Caution – these lines could actually become more noticeable after any fat pockets are removed. Either way, there is no safe and effective treatment for these types of dynamic lines involving the lower eyelid. Static lines, lines that are there all the time (and not a direct result of muscle movement as your lines are) have many fairly effective treatments.
Dr. Kevin Tehrani wrote on :
Thank you so much for posting pictures. It is much easier to give an answer when we can see what the problem may be. We suggest having a bit of Belotero injected into the lines under your eyes. This is specifically used to treat moderate-to-severe etched-in lines and wrinkles. We invite you to call our office so we can discuss this treatment plan with you in detail and offer you a free consultation.
The dedicated staff of Kevin Tehrani M.D., FACS
Aristocrat Plastic Surgery and MedAesthetics
Great Neck, NY 516.498.9790
New York City 212.439.9900
Dr. William Rosenblatt wrote on :
Thanks for your photos. It appears as if you would benefit from a Transconjuntival lower lid blepharoplasty where I would remove some of the fat. No scars would be left on the outside as we remove the fat from inside the lower lid. If the heaviness of your upper lids bothered you, we could do an upper lid bleph too. Here the scars fade and are hidden in the crease of the upper lid. This procedure is done as an out patient in our approved surgery center.
Come in for a complimentary consultation to discuss your issues.
Dr. Michelle Copeland wrote on :
The eyes are the windows to the soul. All too often, however, they seem to reveal exhaustion. When you have puffiness around the eye, it’s possible to reduce the puffiness from the inside, with almost no recovery time, using a subconjunctival blephoroplasty. This requires no skin incision so it heals very quickly. You can view before and after photos here: http://www.drcopeland.com/procedures_eye.php .
It is also possible to improve the appearance of the under eye puffiness with Thermage, a non-surgical option. Thermage uses radiofrequency technology called ThermaCool® that has been clinically proven to tighten and gently lift skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial contours. Fast and easy, Thermage requires no downtime from normal activities. You see an improvement almost immediately and skin tightening continues for approximately 6 months. Here are some before and after photos: http://www.drcopeland.com/procedures_thermage.php . I suggest you consult a board certified plastic surgeon who can go over your options with you in detail.
Dr. Michael Valdes wrote on :
It’s always hard to tell all that a Doctor needs to know from a couple of photos; but, that said, it appears that you would benefit from a conservative removal of fat from your lower lids. I doubt you’ll need any skin removed (and therefore no external scars!) Should the skin not re-drape enough to soften the smile lines, a bit of botox in that area generally helps.
Consult a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in your area. I think her/him will be able to help you with your “problem” areas.