mheath123 SAID:

I would like to know how to develop relationships with other women. I was divorced when my children were young and spent all of my free time with them, supporting them through school, college and marriage for my oldest. 6 years after my divorce I went online and met a wonderful man. We were married last December, 5 years after meeting. Aside from my full time job, I spend time with my now-adult children, my mother who is 88 and my husband and his mom, who lives with us. I have some friends from the past but find it difficult to keep up with them, plan time with them, etc. I would love to learn how to reach out to them and how to meet other women. I feel like that would make my life complete, although I am totally blessed with my life now.

0 Answers

  1. Amy Cohen wrote on :

    Hi Maureen,
    Take a look at You can find other woman in your area looking for friends, you can find many different types of adventures, book clubs, people who are looking for others with the same hobbies, woman that like to travel together, classes together. Its an amazing site and I think you may find some great ideas and ways to meet other woman

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