kimkellykimkelly SAID:

I am quickly approaching my big 50… Where have I gone? I am more mature, much more intelligent, and very intuitive. However, I am sad, lonely since the children left, and feel like it’s “too late” for me to summons the energy to reinvent myself the way I want to: physically, spiritually, and insightfully. How can I take the best of myself into my future and develop the areas lacking, in order to experience the most fulfilling second-half of my life?

0 Answers

  1. Amy Cohen wrote on :

    Hi Kim,
    We spend so many years as a caretaker, we create a personal vision for our family, a life we carve out and create. We make mistakes, we also create victories! It also teaches us over time how we view ourselves – our strengths & weaknesses and we find as we build wisdom, it can become preparation for our future, our next journey! We just don’t notice this until the home becomes empty! You mentioned you are more mature, more intelligent and intuitive- sounds like you have gained much wisdom and are now ready to do something with it! Do you have a picture of you in the future? Do you have a love of something- hobby, something with your intuition? If its something you would love to do, you wont have to summon the energy, it will come. You have the “second half of your life” to create something new for yourself, and it sounds like you want something more. When you figure out what that is, it will take no energy – there is no reinventing – its all inside you. Now, if you need help figuring out what that is – go to your health food store and ask for Wild Oat by Bach flower essences. Its about life purpose, and bringing yours out again!

  2. Rosanne Leslie wrote on :

    This is a big question and not authentically possible to answer here, but I shall try. Sad, lonely is normal, but is not because of your age or that the children left. I talk to many people, men, women and teens who feel the exact same way. (this loneliness needs more time than is provided here to answer…) To reinvent yourself you need to be earnest and inspired, then you will find motivation and the motivation will drive you. Don’t focus on the areas that are lacking, focus on the areas of strength.

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